Monday, December 29, 2008

American Royalty?

The way I understand it, in a Democracy political power is supposed to be distributed by the people to qualified leaders, and in a Monarchy power is handed down from generation to generation through the royal bloodline.

Well, what about Caroline Kennedy. The only remaining heir of JFK.

"I would be an unconventional choice -- I haven't followed a traditional path, but I think I bring a lifetime of experience to this," she told NY1.

She also told The New York Times that "there's a lot of different ways that people are coming to public life now, and it's not only the traditional path."

The traditional path being public service. I mean I have exactly as much political experience as Caroline Kennedy, yet, I don't feel that I'm the most qualified person for the job. Of Course, my family hasn't run the New England political machine for three decades.

Whether it's Bushes or Kennedy's, I think it's about time that we stop putting people in office because we thought that their Daddy did a good job.


Sue said...

I say, you know, that you just, you know, start having press conferences and, you know, get that wife of yours to follow you around with, you know, her camera, so it looks like paparazi(sp?) and then, you know, you would have just as good a chance as anyone else of being appointed to the senate.

Too bad you couldn't get in on that payment plan thing in Illinois before the jig was up.

The Running Couple said...

I know, but I don't have a lot to over the Gov. I guess I could offer to build him a really nice playground in exchange for a change to make laws.

Sue said...

You are really really good at making playgrounds. Maybe if you can't buy the job you could run for reals using a "playground" platform. You know, kindof a Virginia is my oyster thing.